Tag Archives: interface

Drug Simulator – Distorting Destructible Normal Map with Collision in Flash

Drug Simulator – Distorting Destructible Normal Map with Collision in Flash (ActionScript 2.0)

by Steve Hutchison

This being a supernatural horror game in the likes of classic terror movies, drugs, hallucinations, dream sequences, illusions and even building collapsing are partially implemented as shown here. Efforts were spent researching fractal imagery. I coded the fractal engine myself. Combining a perloin noise, displacement and my hand made map system, the demonstration above shows “drug” effects combined together, something only possible with fractal animation.

Since everything can be destroyed in this game and that there are more than one level above the ground, later on during development, building collapsing will inherit from this module for a more natural shattering effect.

#drugsimulator #simulator #adobeflash #flashgame #flashdevelopment #ottawaflash #flashottawa #horrorgame #horrormoviegame #horrorvideogame #gatineau #outaouais #ottawa #drugs #ketamine #shroom #shrooms #pot #cannabis #alcohol #acid #speed #mdma #horrormovie #interface #independentgame #normalmap